<aside> ℹ️ → means that it’s a prompt


→ Hey awesome. I know a bit of R but I'll need your help with the syntax. I want to create a shared R script for all my ClickHouse related queries.

Sure, I'd be happy to help you with creating an R script for your ClickHouse related queries. First, you'll need to install the "clickhouse" package if you haven't already. You can install it using the following command:


Next, let's create an R script file called "clickhouse_queries.R". You can save the following code snippets in that file.

  1. Load the necessary libraries:
  1. Set up a ClickHouse connection:

Replace the placeholders <host>, <port>, <user>, <password> with your ClickHouse server details.

clickhouse_connection <- function() {
  ch_driver <- clickhouse()
  dbConnect(ch_driver, host = "<host>", port = <port>, user = "<user>", password = "<password>")

  1. Define your ClickHouse queries as functions:

Here's an example of a function that retrieves data from a specific table. Replace <your_table_name> with the table you want to query.

get_data_from_table <- function(con, table_name = "<your_table_name>") {
  query <- paste0("SELECT * FROM ", table_name)
  result <- dbGetQuery(con, query)

You can add more functions for your specific queries following the same pattern.

  1. Use the functions in your main script:

After you've defined your query functions, you can use them in your main R script like this:


# Establish the connection
con <- clickhouse_connection()

# Get data from the table
table_data <- get_data_from_table(con)

# Don't forget to close the connection after you're done

This way, you can define all your ClickHouse related queries in a single R script and use it across your projects. Just make sure to source the "clickhouse_queries.R" file in any script where you need to access the ClickHouse database.


→ this library is out dated. I use ODBC. I already have it setup no need for instructions. I want to create a lookup table with that I can use later in R