
While I sort of announced this to the group and briefly mentioned this in a previous blog post, I think it is appropriate for me to make an announcement post letting you all know that The Neighbourhood is officially no more.I am quite happy with this group and the people I interact with who are part of it. But the vision I have for it is not sustainable due to how spread thin I normally am(by choice, of course). I am instead, choosing to focus my efforts, a bit, to maximize the impact I can have while doing what I love doing— giving back to the community.

I think it was out of the frustration of how no one in my high school was aware of programming at all, that I started evangelising it. I really love talking about tech and sharing my experience with people. I have made numerous attempts at building communities and The Neighbourhood was the last one. It is still a fun chat group on Messenger. But beyond that there is too much anarchy. The move to Discord did not work out because how different the messaging experience is— to be honest. We could create a Facebook community but I would leave that to you folks if you want to.

The most I was able to give to you in our little chat group is probably the one on ones some of you had requested. I am afraid I did not collect feedbacks to know if they were any help(you could let me know now) but from how you kept engaging afterward gave me the inkling that you really appreciated it. Which is why, when I had decided to move on, I sought out places where I could provide this kind of contribution.

My searching led me to a really nice bootcamp called Hack Your Future. I reached out to them and so far mentored a group doing their browsers project. I immensely enjoyed it. I was bewildered by how curious and excited the mentees were. Their hunger for knowledge resonated with me deeply. I think I did a little bit more than was expected of me as a result 😅. But that was only because I was enjoying myself too much. I felt that this is definitely something I would like to keep doing. I look forward to mentoring more cohorts this month and the next.

Not long after, someone in The Neighbourhood shared about ADPList with us(talk about coincidences 😒). It looks new, rough around the edges, to be perfectly frank. On top of that, I think it was meant for the design community. But I knew this could work well for me so I signed up. So far I am satisfied with the experience. There are things that can be better but there is a lot that is already really good. Immediately after sharing with the community some of the awesome Neighbourhood people signed up for a session. I have since gotten requests form all over and it all really works out well. I have set aside some time on Sunday evenings to do this. If you are curious follow this link to sign up for a session 👇🏾

Get mentored by Sk Imtiaz Ahmed on ADPList

Overall, I am sad that I could not make much out of The Neighbourhood. But done is the engine of more. I would like to setup focused mentorship sessions on ADPList based on the stuff I am really good at. There seems to be a lot of ways to do things so I look forward to exploring it. I am very grateful to the people at Hack Your Future who gave me an opportunity to mentor which has led me to discover how fun this is. Keep an eye out if you want to know where this is going 👀.